Name : Zacky Muhammad Abduh

NPM : 232122062

Class : A





Why I am interesting to read

Questions before I read



The Legend of Crying Stone

It is one of Indonesian legend story and has a good moral message

Why it’s named Crying Stone?

The legend of Toba Lake

It is one of Indonesian legend story also popular and has good moral mesage

What happened in the legend to make Toba Lake exist?

The Story of Malin Kundang

It is one of Indonesian legend story also popular and has good moral mesage

What happened with Malin Kundang in this Legend?


Day 1


Date : 26 March 2024


13:00 – 13:30

Title & Page

The Legend of Crying Stone



The girl, the mother

Main points of the story

In a little village, there was a pretty but lazy girl who never helped her hardworking mother. One day, her mother convinced her to go to the market by promising new clothes. But the girl insisted her mother walk behind her, pretending to be her servant.


As they walked, people admired the girl's beauty but wondered about the woman following her. Each time, the girl lied, saying her mother was just a servant. This hurt her mother's feelings a lot.


The mother prayed for her daughter to learn a lesson, and sadly, it happened. The girl's body turned into stone, tears frozen on her face. She begged for forgiveness, but it was too late. Now, she's known as the crying stone, a reminder to be kind and humble.

New Vocabularies found

Accompany, servant, panicky.


It’s really good story because this legend story teaches the importance of humility, respect for others, and the consequences of selfishness and vanity.





13:30 – 14:00

Title & Page

The Legend of Toba Lake



The farmer (Toba), Puteri (the fish princess), Putera (Samosir, the son of Toba and Puteri).

Main points of the story

Once in a Sumatran village, a hardworking farmer caught a magical fish that turned into a beautiful girl named Puteri. They married with a promise not to reveal her origin. They were blessed with a son, Putera, but he was always hungry and disobedient. One day, in anger, the farmer accidentally broke his promise and called his son a "son of fish," causing both Putera and Puteri to vanish. In their place, a massive lake formed, known as Lake Toba, with an island named Samosir in its center.

New Vocabularies found

Hook, wiggle, cheered, prominent, rays, nodded, shortfall, pinch, conscious, trace, submerged.


This legend story reminds us to be a petient person who can control our emotions. Also, don’t break our promise that we’ve made or say to other.





Title & Page

The Story of Malin Kundang



The old widow (The Mother), Malin Kundang (The son)

Main points of the story

Once, there lived a poor widow and her son named Malin Kundang in a village by the sea. Malin felt he needed to leave to find a better life, so his mother reluctantly let him go.


Every day, she hoped for his return, but years passed with no news. Eventually, an old captain mentioned seeing Malin, now married to a wealthy woman.


Filled with hope, Malin's mother awaited his return. One day, a grand ship arrived with a young couple. Recognizing her son, she joyfully embraced him, but Malin denied her, ashamed of her poverty and age.


His wife, angered by his mother's appearance, spat on her. Heartbroken, the old woman insisted she was his mother, but Malin refused to believe.


In her despair, she prayed for justice. Suddenly, a fierce storm struck, leaving destruction in its wake. Malin's ship was wrecked, and he was turned into a coral reef as punishment for his disrespect and ingratitude.


New Vocabularies found

Hut, reluctantly, docked, shore, fierce, wreckage, reef, insisted.


Such a good story that reminds us that we should never forget to always respect our parents especially our mother who already raise us.



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